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Sociable Team

A Summer of Change

Updated: Mar 28

When we re-open later this year our project will no longer be known as Tuesday Night Social we will now run under the name Sociable, the same name as our digital magazine. It's a move that will allow us to run everything under one banner and one that we hope will allow us to develop some new initiatives.

When we founded in 2008, we were affiliated to Phab. When the pandemic hit our shores in March 2020, it halted our project immediately and we were not able to meet at The Ark for 18 months. It was during this time we decided we needed a fresh new look and we took the decision not to renew our affiliation with Phab. This is when we came up with the name Tuesday Night Social. It will be two years in September 2023 since we re-opened our project at The Ark and it would be fair to say things have been very quiet. This has led us to introduce our second summer hiatus and our project at The Ark will re-open lated this year.

Whilst is has been a disappointing couple of years, we fully understand and appreciate the reasons behind the low attendance figures. It is something we are trying to correct. This is one of the reasons we will now be known as Sociable. Our new focus when we re-open in the autumn will be on our digital magazine and ensuring we are able to re-introduce our podcast project. We will still enjoy the same activities at The Ark though and we will still be having our social gatherings.

Join Us and be Sociable

It has always been our intention to create social and leisure opportunities for disabled people aged 16 and over and this hasn't changed. We are aware that there are many individuals who are still isolated, due to various reasons, since the pandemic. This is something we hope to change. Anyone can join us at Sociable, and we welcome disabled people and non-disabled people to join, you just need to be at least 16 years old.

When we're at The Ark, we have enjoyed activities such as quiz nights, pizza nights, movie nights, theraputic drumming sessions, arts and crafts, board games and console games to name just a few. It is all about being sociable and enjoying making new friends, this in itself helps us reduce social isolation. It is important to us that we create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere where individuals enjoy being part of our group. There will never be any pressure to join in our activities and if all you want to do is catch up with some friends with a brew and some cake then that is perefectly fine with us also.


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